Friday, January 14, 2011

Fox Shoots Hunter

Fox Shoots Hunter

Fox Shoots Hunter

A hunter was shot by a fox in Belarus. Not, like, a sexy woman—an actual fox, that the hunter was trying to kill. I know, right?

In fairness, hunting can be difficult! You have to locate and track the prey, stay silent, aim perfectly, and also, make sure that the animal doesn't shoot you with your own goddamn gun. According to Belarusian media, the hunter had wounded the fox and attempted to "finish the animal off with the butt of the rifle." The fox had other plans. Man and beast "scuffled," and the fox managed to (accidentally?) pull the trigger of the rifle. (A Belarusian prosecutor is quoted saying "The animal fiercely resisted and in the struggle accidentally pulled the trigger with its paw." Fiercely resisted! What a way to put it!)

The hunter, who seems to have been shot in the leg, is in the hospital. The fox, no doubt a folk hero to its own kind as well as to non-fox-hunting humans, is nowhere to be found. What can you say? Sometimes you shoot the fox, and sometimes the fox shoots you.

[Reuters via thegrandinquisitor; image via Shutterstock]

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At first I thought this was about Foxy Brown trying to get in on the Lil' Kim/Nicki Minaj beef but I can see that it's something far less ridiculous. Reply

I was really hoping this was about the Fox Network shooting more episodes of Fred Dryer's Hunter. Reply

Hey fox, shoot to kill and not to injure. Next time aim for the chest! Reply

Something tells me the hound was behind this.

Or I just need to stop watching Discovery ID. Reply

Fantastic, Mr Fox. Reply
HellaCoolNinja promoted this comment

The hunted must outfox the hunter. Reply
HellaCoolNinja promoted this comment

It's cuz the hunter was IE trying to shoot Firefox. Of course Firefox was gonna win... Reply
HellaCoolNinja promoted this comment

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