Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Earth's Magnetic Fields May Be Causing Bird and Fish Die-Off

Earth's Magnetic Fields May Be Causing Bird and Fish Die-Off

Published Jan 5, 2011

Could the Earth's magnetic fields be causing the recent die-off of thousands of birds and fish? Scientists believe so, along with environmental imbalances.

The sudden death of thousands of blackbirds in Arkansas over the 2010-2011 New Year's holiday last weekend was newsworthy enough. Within a couple of days, hundreds of stories from all around the globe recounted similar phenomena. Not only have blackbirds been "falling out of the sky," but many species of birds,as well as reported cases of bat deaths in Arizona. In addition, there are numerous reports being gathered from around the world about massive fish die-off, and die-off of many different sea animals. What could be causing these deaths? Some researchers believe that changes in the Earth's magnetic fields are to blame.

The Earth's Magnetic Fields: What They Are and How Birds Use Them to Migrate

The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet, with north and south poles.The magnetic field causes a bubble around the Earth which protects it from solar winds, asteroids, and other objects in space. Scientists believe the magnetic poles are due to electric currents that come from the Earth's core.The circulating electric current creates a dynamo effect, which is caused, in part, by the rotation of the Earth's axis. A dynamo effect is similar to what happens with an electric generator. When the magnetic field interacts with particles from solar winds, it creates what is known as the aurora borealis near the poles.

According to scientists at Goethe-Universitat in Frankfurt, Germany, have discovered that birds can see the Earth's magnetic fields through photoreceptor cells in the bird's right eye. Birds use this navigational tool to migrate north and south during the autumn and spring. Before this discovery, it was believed that birds could sense the magnetic field either through their eyes or beaks. These photoreceptor cells create shades of light, which tell the birds if they are on or off course during migration.

Could the Earth's Magnetic Fields Be Causing the Die-Off of Thousands of Birds?

The Goethe-Universitat study revealed that if birds could not see the magnetic field when migrating, they lost their "bearings" and could hurt themselves or even die. NASA reported in 2008 that there was a "massive breach" in the Earth's magnetic field, detected by THEMIS spacecraft. Solar wind can flow through this breach, causing enormous geomagnetic storms. It is very possible that such a geomagnetic storm is responsible for the current deaths of thousands of birds across the planet.

Magnetic storms can cause many different phenomena to occur. Not only do birds, such as the reported blackbirds, pelicans,penguins and eagles, lose their bearings and fall dead from exhaustion and hunger, but radio transmissions can be lost, there can be radiation from too much solar power, and high-energy charged particles can bombard the Earth due to the breach in the magnetic "shield" wrapping the planet.. Magnetic storms can also trigger changes in the Earth's crust, which may lead to increases in landslides, mudslides, earthquakes, and volcano eruptions.

What About the Fish Kills? Are the Fish and Bird Die-Offs Related?

It may be possible that the fish and bird die-offs are unrelated. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission spokesman Keith Stephens believes that in the drum fish case, it could just be a disease, "since it only affected one species." He says fishkills are not unusual.

However, fishkills are being reported all across the world. Panama reports at least 100 tons of several species of fish found dead all along its coast. Officials there suspect an environmental imbalance, possibly due to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Italy claims a "massacre" of fish, clams, and crabs over Christmas, but blame nearby industries. Similar fishkills are being reported in other cities.

According to Science, sea creatures such as sharks, crabs, salmon, and sea turtles not only use magnetic fields to navigate, but also to detect their prey. So it is entirely possible that some of the recent deaths of not only fish, but sea animals like starfish and dolphins are due to changes in the Earth's magnetic fields.

Sources:, "Birds Can See Earth's Magnetic Fields", "Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field Discovered", "100,000 Drum Fish Die in Arkansas River, More Than 100 Miles From Bizarre Blackbird Deaths," by Michael Sheridan, "Mysterious Killing of Fish On Coast," by Leonardo Coleto

Copyright Donna Pravel. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.



What do you think about this article?


Jan 5, 2011 12:41 PM
Guest :
do you think that the oil that was lost under the earth's surface during the oil spill could have thrown off the magnetic balance of the planet causing changes to the earth's magnetic poles? That would explain why the birds are falling from the sky, also the oil in the ocean could explain the fish deaths. Just a thought.
Jan 5, 2011 1:16 PM
Guest :
A movie was made about this a couple years ago - weird that they think a fictional story from a couple years ago may now be coming true. I wonder who wrote that movie? Do you happen to know the name of it? I would love to see it again now that it's happening for real.
Jan 5, 2011 1:31 PM
Guest :
Yes some think that the earths magnetic rotation is slowing down to a standstill after which it will resume in reverse. Could other dimensions become "visible" during this standstill ?
Nibiru may be almost on top of us but in an alternate dimension (frequency) and will only become visible when our 2 reality frequencies are equal. Zero magnetic field rotation point ?
Jan 5, 2011 1:34 PM
Guest :
Can't we just ask the scientists if there has recently been a change in the Earth's magnetic field, or if there has been a "geomagnetic storm" (I myself do not know what these are), that would reasonably explain these mass deaths? Couldn't this be quickly verified, or dismissed by scientists as being inaccurate?
Jan 5, 2011 2:15 PM
Guest :
Heres a German article from "29.12.2010". It says that the scientists dont know why the earth is spinning faster during 2010 ... it should have become slower. -ploetzlich-schneller-als-erwartet.html

Here is an article from "29. Dezember 2010" which says that the sun activity is getting more intense TF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fderstan lmaehlich


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