Thursday, December 30, 2010

E-Books Outsell Paper Books On Barnes & Noble's Online Store

NEW YORK (AP) -- Bookseller Barnes & Noble Inc. on Thursday said its line of Nook e-reading devices are the biggest-selling items in its history, and added it sold nearly 1 million e-books on Christmas Day.

The New York company said its Nookcolor e-reader, which launched eight weeks before Christmas, was its top-selling gift of the holiday season.

Barnes & Noble also said it now sells more digital books than physical books on its Web site. Nearly 1 million e-books were purchased on Christmas Day alone, the company said, with popular titles including James Patterson's "Cross Fire" and Stieg Larsson's "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

Electronic book readers are a nascent but growing electronic category, and companies have so far been reticent to say exactly how many are selling. On Monday,, which sells the Kindle electronic book reader, said its third-generation Kindle was the bestselling product in its history, besting the seventh book in the Harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

Forrester Research expects U.S. e-book sales to total $2.8 billion in 2015, up from nearly $1 billion in 2010. The research firm projects the number of e-readers and tablets in the U.S. will soar from more than 15 million in 2010 to nearly 60 million in 2015.

Barnes & Noble shares fell 4 cents in light trading to $14.27. shares fell 22 cents to $183.15.

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