Friday, December 31, 2010

The Foundations - Build Me Up Buttercup (High Quality)

TYPE O NEGATIVE Members Remember PETER STEELE In New Issue Of REVOLVER Magazine

Jon Wiederhorn of Revolver magazine recently sat down with TYPE O NEGATIVE members Josh Silver (keyboards), Johnny Kelly (drums) and Kenny Hickey (guitar) to remember the band's lost leader, Peter Steele, who died in April. An excerpt from the chat follows below.

Revolver: A couple of years ago, Peter moved to rural Pennsylvania with his new girlfriend. Did he like being away from the city?

Silver: He hated it. Peter liked the woods, but he was bored out of his mind.

Hickey: One day he calls me at 2 in the morning and goes, "Can I tell you a story?" At the time he was living with his girlfriend and he had another girl [on the side]. He says, "I was at the other girl's house, and then I got a call from my girlfriend saying she was goin to be home in a few minutes. I got dressed in pitch black, wasted out of my mind. I get in my Jeep and I'm driving down the road, and a bear jumps out in front of me. I swerved off the road and hit a pole." So the cops show up, arrest him, his main girlfriend comes to bail him out and picks him up. He goes back to her house — and here's the kicker. He gets undressed, and she says, "What are you wearing?!" It turned out he had his other girlfriend's panties on because he got dressed in the dark when he was really drunk.

Kelly: I don't believe the bear part. But that accident is what made him get sober. He had to go to court and they put an ankle bracelet on him [that detects alcohol consumption]. The cops said, "If this comes up dirty, you're going to jail for six months." He didn't want to go to jail again so he took it serious and straightened up. And he was clean and sober from then until the day he died.

Revolver: Was Peter in a relatively good headspace at that point?

Hickey: Yeah, he was sober, coherent, and really excited about working on the next TYPE O record.

Silver: It was something we regularly talked about. He was thinking about going for a new tuning to give the album a new sound.

Revolver: Was he seriously ill before he died?

Kelly: No. It was crazy. I called his house three hours before he died. His girlfriend answered the phone. She said he was sick in bed and that he had a flu bug for a couple of days and was throwing up. So I was like, "OK, tell Peter that Kenny and found a studio. Tell him I hope he feels better and to call me when he's up to it." We had rehearsal with [Kelly and Hickey's current band] SEVENTH VOID that night, and I got a phone call from a number that I didn't recognize, so I let it go to voicemail. It was Peter's sister. I called her back and she said, "We lost Peter." I said, "What do you mean?" And she goes, "He's gone."

Silver: I was sitting at home, and Johnny called me and said, "Did anybody call you?" Then he told me Peter was dead. I was surprised, but to be honest, I was shocked that he lived as long as he did. His lifestyle was so unhealthy that I couldn't believe he was as strong as a horse most of the time.

Hickey: There were many, many times when we were like, Uh-oh, this is it. A million times. Nobody could consume like him, nobody. Nobody could drink as much as him, nobody could do as much drugs as him, nobody could eat as much as him, and nobody could fuck as much as that man. He was the only guy I knew who could do two eight balls and eat 60 dollars worth of Chinese food. The only guy.

The cover of the new issue of Revolver magazine features a stunning painting by legendary comic-book artist J.G. Jones (Superman, Batman, Wanted). Jones depicts Ronnie James Dio, SLIPKNOT's Paul Gray, AVENGED SEVENFOLD's The Rev, TYPE O NEGATIVE's Peter Steele, PANTERA's Dimebag Darrell, METALLICA's Cliff Burton, NIRVANA's Kurt Cobain, OZZY OSBOURNE's Randy Rhoads, QUEEN's Freddie Mercury, and ALICE IN CHAINS' Layne Staley rocking together in heaven. The cover painting also appears as a free poster with the issue.

Inside the issue, Revolver remembers the cover artists and many of hard rock and metal's other fallen heroes via exclusive interviews with members of SLIPKNOT and TYPE O NEGATIVE, Dio's wife and manager Wendy Dio, Ozzy Osbourne, METALLICA's Lars Ulrich, AVENGED SEVENFOLD's M. Shadows, JUDAS PRIEST's Rob Halford, ALICE IN CHAINS' Mike Inez, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY's Zakk Wylde, RAMONES' Marky Ramone, MELVINS' Buzz Osborne, rapper Ice-T, and more.

As a tie-in to the issue and a special tribute to PANTERA's Dimebag Darrell, Revolver has produced a highly limited-edition commemorative coin in his honor. The coin comes free with the magazine when purchased at Barnes & Noble. Otherwise, it is available with the issue and an antiqued metal coin holder at this location, where a portion of the sale proceeds will go to the Ronnie James Dio Stand Up And Shout Cancer Fund.

Photo credit: Linda Aversa

Have a Happy New Year

Caught in a revolving door and my lungs are suffocating Working hard is my reward and my life is so frustrating I'm a martyr to myself and a hero to my family I can feel a breaking point a longing to be free but instead I'll Hang in there and suffer with the rest I'm a drunk and a sentimental man so dust us off a bottle of your best Irish Whiskey and drink with me To departed friends. To departed friends. In the middle of the night I wake up my heart is pounding I expected more from life than a house and TV watching cuz I wimped out on myself. Take it out on friends and family cuz they don't appreciate I sacrificed my dreams but instead I'll Hang in there and suffer with the rest I'm a drunk and a sentimental man so dust us off a bottle of your best Irish Whiskey and drink with me To departed friends. To departed friends. To departed friends. To departed friends. To departed friends... DEPARTED! Hey there guys I'm not the enemy it's just a shared frustration that makes us fight It's a long way to drive to not make any money Merry Christmas at least we gotta try but instead I'll Hang in there and suffer with the rest I'm a drunk and a sentimental man so dust us off a bottle of your best Irish Whiskey and drink with me but instead I'll Hang in there and suffer with the rest I'm a drunk and a sentimental man so dust us off a bottle of your best Irish Whiskey and drink with me Irish Whiskey and drink with me Irish Whiskey and drink with me To departed friends

Australia Floods Larger Than France Strand 200,000

BRISBANE, Australia — Military aircraft dropped supplies to towns cut off by floods in northeastern Australia as the prime minister promised new assistance Friday to the 200,000 people affected by waters covering an area larger than France and Germany combined.

Residents were stocking up on food or evacuating their homes as rising rivers inundated or isolated 22 towns in the state of Queensland.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard toured an evacuation center in the flood-stricken town of Bundaberg on Friday and announced that families whose homes had been flooded or damaged would be eligible for disaster relief payments of $1,000 per adult and $400 per child.

"My concern is for the people in these very difficult times," Gillard said.

A day earlier, she pledged $1 million Australian dollars (about $1 million) in federal aid to match a relief fund already set up by the state government.

Bundaberg resident Sandy Kiddle told Gillard she lost cherished items after floodwaters surged through her house. She said may not be able to return home for a week.

"It was just a sea of water, and I thought the beach would never come to our house," she told Gillard, who gave her a hug.

Officials say half of Queensland's 715,305 square miles (1,852,642 square kilometers) is affected by the relentless flooding, which began last week after days of pounding rain caused swollen rivers to overflow. The flood zone covers an area larger than France and Germany combined and bigger than the state of Texas.

While the rain has stopped, the rivers are still surging to new heights and overflowing into low-lying towns as the water makes its way toward the sea.


The muddy water inundating thousands of homes and businesses has led to a shortage of drinking water and raised fears of mosquito-borne disease.

"This is without a doubt a tragedy on an unprecedented scale," Queensland Premier Anna Bligh told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

Bligh warned that drenched communities could be stuck underwater for more than a week, and cleanup efforts were expected to cost billions of dollars.

The Department of Community Safety said supplies of food and bedding were delivered by road and by military aircraft Friday to the towns of Rockhampton, Emerald, Springsure and Blackwater in central-east Queensland.

Northeastern Australia often sees heavy rains and flooding during the Southern Hemisphere summer, but the scope of the damage from the recent downpours is unusual.

The entire population of two towns has already been forced to evacuate as water swamped their communities, cutting off roads and devastating crops. The next city in the water's path – Rockhampton, near the coast – is bracing for flood levels forecast at 31 feet (9.4 meters) by Monday or Tuesday.

Roads and railway lines were expected to be cut off by Saturday, and the city's airport planned to shut down over the weekend.

"This is a very serious situation," said Rockhampton Mayor Brad Carter, saying that level would affect up to 40 percent of the city. "Police are ordering people in affected areas to leave their homes."

Officials were evacuating residents on Friday, starting with the elderly and those living in low-lying areas.

There were concerns over food supplies in the city, with many stores already sold out of bread, milk and fresh meat, Carter said.

Gary Boyer, regional manager of supermarket chain Woolworths, said the company was sending 43 trucks full of supplies into Rockhampton on Friday.

Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes this week. In the central Queensland town of Emerald, about 1,000 people were evacuated in the last 24 hours.

The town was facing food shortages, power outages and sewage-contaminated floodwaters, county mayor Peter Maguire said. Three evacuation centers have been set up to help displaced residents.

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Daily Kos: Waiting For SuperFraud

Waiting For SuperFraud
By Michael T. Martin

Public schools have to fail. There is no alternative. So give up trying to argue otherwise with facts and logic.

The mockumentary Waiting For Superman made this clear. Funded by millionaires, the movie told the story of some privatized schools in Harlem portrayed as saviors of children otherwise condemned to public schools. Privatized schools mostly funded by hedge fund millionaires on Wall Street. They spent two million dollars to promote the film nationally. Another major film titled "The Lottery" told a similar tale: children in Harlem desperate to escape public schools. Funded by more millionaires.

State Senator Bill Perkins, who represents the people of Harlem, tried to put profit restrictions on these privatized schools. So the millionaires spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to run an opponent against him in the November, 2010, election. The people of Harlem voted overwhelmingly to re-elect Perkins.

One of the supposed heroes in the mockumentary was Michele Rhee, the caustic head of Washington, D.C., schools. She subsequently was the focus of the November, 2010, mayor’s election in D.C., campaigning for the existing mayor who appointed her, promising to resign if he lost. The people of D.C. voted him and her out.

The little people in Harlem and D.C. who see the truth on the ground voted against the millionaires. But the big money people still rate Rhee as a hero and keep pouring money and propaganda into charter schools. Ever wonder why? Brooklyn city councilman Charles Barron laments the situation in New York City: "Our public schools need to be in the control of parents and the community, as opposed to businessmen who see the $23 billion budget as a means to giving no-bid contracts to their cronies."

In April, 1999, the Wall Street financiers at Merrill Lynch published a 193 page "In-depth Report" titled "The Book of Knowledge, Investing in the Growing Education and Training Industry." Early in the report they noted: "The K-12 market is the largest segment of the education industry with approximately $360 billion spent annually or over $6,500 per year per child. Despite the size, the K-12 market is the most problematic to invest in today. Entrenched bureaucracies and personal and political interests contribute to the challenges facing this sector."

Public schools HAVE to fail in order to crack open this egg and give these financiers access to the $360 billion they are after (estimates are that it is around $700 billion today). No matter what logic you use to explain the problems or successes of public education, it will be of no avail: public schools HAVE to fail. Whatever it takes. In a 2007 appellate court decision ruling that Merrill Lynch could not be sued by Enron stockholders for facilitating the fraud of Enron, the dissenting third member of the judicial panel wrote: "The majority immunizes a broad array of undeniably fraudulent conduct from civil liability."

Big money wants the public schools to fail and they are quite willing to engage in "undeniably fraudulent conduct" to ensure it. One prescient book titled "The Manufactured Crisis: Myths, Fraud, And The Attack On America’s Public Schools" told the tale back in 1996 but logic and facts won’t stop big money.

Back about the time NCLB was promulgated, Ron Susskind, a New York Times reporter, related a conversation with a senior aide to President George W. Bush in the summer of 2002: "The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore.’"

Big money is "the way the world really works anymore." Enough money to buy political influence. A lesson well taken from the experience of the tobacco industry in fighting the truth of lung cancer. A lesson perhaps best exemplified by the Tobacco Institute’s "Powell Memorandum" that exhorted the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to establish a conspiracy to counter the environmentalism and consumerism of the public schools. The author of which was soon afterward appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The current leadership of the Republican Congress in the House and Senate both have long established economic ties to the tobacco industry. House speaker Boehner was criticized several years ago for handing out tobacco lobby checks on the floor of the House during a crucial vote on tobacco regulation. People whose self interest depends on addicting children to a poisonous product now claim to have the best interests of children in mind.

The overarching thrust of the mockumentary Waiting For Superman is that teachers’ unions are responsible for the faux failure of public schools. That teachers have their own self interest rather than that of children in mind. The teachers’ unions that have been major supporters of the Democratic Party since the Civil Rights era. So the Republican Party will stop at nothing to undermine public education.

After President Clinton was elected in the early 1990s, Reed Hundt, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (1993-97), asked H.W. Bush’s Secretary of Education Bill Bennett to support legislation that would pay for internet access in all classrooms and libraries in the country. "I asked him to support the bill in the crucial stage when we needed Republican allies. He told me he would not help, because he did not want public schools to obtain new funding, new capability, new tools for success. He wanted them, he said, to fail so that they could be replaced with vouchers, charter schools, religious schools, and other forms of private education."

Grover Norquist, a major political leader in the Republican conservative movement, was asked by writer Ben Adler of The New Republic "How evolution should be taught in public schools." Norquist responded "The real problem here is that you shouldn’t have government-run schools." Norquist is better known for his patriotic comment that he wants to shrink the federal government to where he can drown it in a bathtub. His words; somewhat evocative of drowning a child.

So there are powerful forces who will ensure that public schools fail. There is no sense arguing to the contrary, there is over $700 billion to believe otherwise. The same greed by the same people that left the U.S. economy in ruins, with millions of ordinary people unemployed and in bankruptcy, will ensure that the U.S. education system is soon in the same condition. Public education has to fail, because that is "the way the world really works anymore."

A couple of comments. First about Grover Norquist.  Back when the Republicans controlled all of Congress he used to host a regular meeting at which the talking points for the right-wing for the week would be coordinated.  Expect to see him try to again assume a similar role.  Remember that even though many of the new Republican House Members are Tea-Party flavored, the ongoing Republican establishment has moved quickly to get as many of its favorites, often from K Street, into positions of influence with them, such as chiefs of staff.  

Second, about hedge fund operators and charter schools.   This is one of the most important unreported stories around.  There are people who have tried to address it, for example, Barbara Miner of Rethinking Schools whose work on the subject I focused on here in this post.

Third, there is a two-pronged attack going on, to delegitimize public schools and to destroy the teachers unions.  The two targets are intimately connected.  Destroy the teachers unions and there is no meaningful force to stand up for public schools.  Simultaneously you deal a crushing blow to the labor movement as a whole, and you weaken a key constituency of the Democratic party.  At least some in organized labor understand what is going on, as I noted in this diary

OF course, one must remember that many of the hedge fund operators who are involved in this are nominally Democrats, of the type associated with Democrats for Education Reform.  I note someone who was previously very involved with DFER is Andrew Rotherham, now has a blogging gig at Time Magazine. And Mayor Cory Booker of Newark is on the board of DFER.  As are hedge fund types, like Whitney Tilson.

Of course, thanks to the lack of regulation, hedge fund managers are rolling in money and able to use that the same way Bill Gates uses his billions - to drive the discussions on public education to favor their positions, although, as Martin notes, when the voters get a say, they reject those positions.

I make no bones about it.  I am opposed to these types.  I am a strong defender of teachers unions.

The American people are being sold a bill of goods about educational policy.  The media is complicit, as anyone who paid attention to the atrocity of NBC's education summit learned.

Whether or not the efforts of those who try to expose the reality will make a difference I do not know.

I do know that I will continue to do what is in my power to make sure a complete picture is available.

I am not the only one trying.

That is why I am glad to try to give a wider audience the views of others, in this case of Michael Martin.

Who absolutely nailed it with three words:

Waiting for SuperFraud


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pro Wrestler Sought in NJ Bank Robbery | NBC Philadelphia

Pro Wrestler Sought in NJ Bank Robbery

Updated 9:00 PM EST, Thu, Dec 30, 2010

Camden County Prosecutor's Office

Authorities in South Jersey are searching for a professional wrestler who's believed to have robbed a Collingswood bank.

Thirty-year-old Nicholas Wilson, whose last known address was in Camden, allegedly stole about $3,000 from the PNC Bank on Dec. 22.

Wilson handed a teller a note claiming he would shoot her if she didn't give him money, authorities said.

Wilson has wrestled as “Nick Gage” for Philadelphia-based Combat Zone Wrestling. Videos on YouTube show him wrestling in ultra-violent bouts including one where his shirt lit on fire.

He is charged with second-degree robbery.

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Copyright Associated Press / NBC Philadelphia
First Published: Dec 30, 2010 8:51 PM EST

E-Books Outsell Paper Books On Barnes & Noble's Online Store

NEW YORK (AP) -- Bookseller Barnes & Noble Inc. on Thursday said its line of Nook e-reading devices are the biggest-selling items in its history, and added it sold nearly 1 million e-books on Christmas Day.

The New York company said its Nookcolor e-reader, which launched eight weeks before Christmas, was its top-selling gift of the holiday season.

Barnes & Noble also said it now sells more digital books than physical books on its Web site. Nearly 1 million e-books were purchased on Christmas Day alone, the company said, with popular titles including James Patterson's "Cross Fire" and Stieg Larsson's "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

Electronic book readers are a nascent but growing electronic category, and companies have so far been reticent to say exactly how many are selling. On Monday,, which sells the Kindle electronic book reader, said its third-generation Kindle was the bestselling product in its history, besting the seventh book in the Harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

Forrester Research expects U.S. e-book sales to total $2.8 billion in 2015, up from nearly $1 billion in 2010. The research firm projects the number of e-readers and tablets in the U.S. will soar from more than 15 million in 2010 to nearly 60 million in 2015.

Barnes & Noble shares fell 4 cents in light trading to $14.27. shares fell 22 cents to $183.15.

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George A Romero's Survival Of The Dead Trailer

Just terrible.

Best Movies of 2010 - Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Might even consider this one my favorite.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Worst Movies of 2010 - Splice

This movie sucks.

Best Movies of 2010 - REC 2

Although not as good as the first one I still love it.

Worst Movies of 2010 - A Nightmare on Elm St.

This was probably one of the worst remakes ever. Very bad choice in casting Freddy Krueger. Just wasn't convincing at all. Boring and not scary.

Best Movies of 2010 - Centurion

Worst Movies of 2010 - Frozen

This movie was quite a disappointment. I thought it was very boring and I find it a little hard to believe that not a single one of them brought a cell phone. Or all of them forgot. Whatever, it's kinda lame. I will say I might have liked this if it was released 30 years ago. Would have been more believable and in a movie like this believability is a big thing.

Best Movies of 2010 Part 1

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The merger of journalists and government officials - Glenn Greenwald

The merger of journalists and government officials

The video of the CNN debate I did last night about WikiLeaks with former Bush Homeland Security Adviser (and CNN contributor) Fran Townsend and CNN anchor Jessica Yellin is posted below. The way it proceeded was quite instructive to me and I want to make four observations about the discussion:

(1) Over the last month, I've done many television and radio segments about WikiLeaks and what always strikes me is how indistinguishable -- identical -- are the political figures and the journalists.  There's just no difference in how they think, what their values and priorities are, how completely they've ingested and how eagerly they recite the same anti-WikiLeaks, "Assange = Saddam" script.  So absolute is the WikiLeaks-is-Evil bipartisan orthodoxy among the Beltway political and media class (forever cemented by the joint Biden/McConnell decree that Assange is a "high-tech Terrorist,") that you're viewed as being from another planet if you don't spout it.  It's the equivalent of questioning Saddam's WMD stockpile in early 2003.

It's not news that establishment journalists identify with, are merged into, serve as spokespeople for, the political class:  that's what makes them establishment journalists.  But even knowing that, it's just amazing, to me at least, how so many of these "debates" I've done involving one anti-WikiLeaks political figure and one ostensibly "neutral" journalist -- on MSNBC with The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart and former GOP Congresswoman Susan Molinari, on NPR with The New York Times' John Burns and former Clinton State Department official James Rubin, and last night on CNN with Yellin and Townsend -- entail no daylight at all between the "journalists" and the political figures.  They don't even bother any longer with the pretense that they're distinct or play different assigned roles.  I'm not complaining here -- Yellin was perfectly fair and gave me ample time -- but merely observing how inseparable are most American journalists from the political officials they "cover."

(2) From the start of the WikiLeaks controversy, the most striking aspect for me has been that the ones who are leading the crusade against the transparency brought about by WikiLeaks -- the ones most enraged about the leaks and the subversion of government secrecy -- have been . . . America's intrepid Watchdog journalists.  What illustrates how warped our political and media culture is as potently as that?  It just never seems to dawn on them -- even when you explain it -- that the transparency and undermining of the secrecy regime against which they are angrily railing is supposed to be . . . what they do.  

What an astounding feat to train a nation's journalist class to despise above all else those who shine a light on what the most powerful factions do in the dark and who expose their corruption and deceit, and to have journalists -- of all people -- lead the way in calling for the head of anyone who exposes the secrets of the powerful.   Most ruling classes -- from all eras and all cultures -- could only fantasize about having a journalist class that thinks that way, but most political leaders would have to dismiss that fantasy as too extreme, too implausible, to pursue.  After all, how could you ever get journalists -- of all people -- to loathe those who bring about transparency and disclosure of secrets?  But, with a few noble exceptions, that's exactly the journalist class we have.

There will always be a soft spot in my heart for Jessica Yellin because of that time when she unwittingly (though still bravely) admitted on air that -- when she worked at MSNBC -- NBC's corporate executives constantly pressured the network's journalists to make their reporting favorable to George Bush and the Iraq War (I say "unwittingly" because she quickly walked back that confession after I and others wrote about it and a controversy ensued).  But, as Yellin herself revealed in that moment of rare TV self-exposure, that's the government-subservient corporate culture in which these journalists are trained and molded.

(3) It's extraordinary how -- even a full month into the uproar over the diplomatic cable release -- extreme misinformation still pervades these discussions, usually without challenge.  It's understandable that on the first day or in the first week of a controversy, there would be some confusion; but a full month into it, the most basic facts are still being wildly distorted.  Thus, there was Fran Townsend spouting the cannot-be-killed lie that WikiLeaks indiscriminately dumped all the cables.  And I'm absolutely certain that had I not objected, that absolute falsehood would have been unchallenged by Yellin and allowed to be transmitted to CNN viewers as Truth.  The same is true for the casual assertion -- as though it's the clearest, most obvious fact in the world -- that Assange "committed crimes" by publishing classified information or that what he's doing is so obviously different than what investigative journalists routinely do.  These are the unchallenged falsehoods transmitted over and over, day after day, to the American viewing audience.

(4) If one thinks about it, there's something quite surreal about sitting there listening to a CNN anchor and her fellow CNN employee angrily proclaim that Julian Assange is a "terrorist" and a "criminal" when the CNN employee doing that is  . . . . George W. Bush's Homeland Security and Terrorism adviser.  Fran Townsend was a high-level national security official for a President who destroyed another nation with an illegal, lie-fueled military attack that killed well over 100,000 innocent people, created a worldwide torture regime, illegally spied on his own citizens without warrants, disappeared people to CIA "black sites," and erected a due-process-free gulag where scores of knowingly innocent people were put in cages for years.  Julian Assange never did any of those things, or anything like them.  But it's Assange who is the "terrorist" and the "criminal."  

Do you think Jessica Yellin would ever dare speak as scornfully and derisively about George Bush or his top officials as she does about Assange?  Of course not.  Instead, CNN quickly hires Bush's Homeland Security Adviser who then becomes Yellin's colleague and partner in demonizing Assange as a "terrorist."  Or consider the theme that framed last night's segment:  Assange is profiting off classified information by writing a book!   Beyond the examples I gave, Bob Woodward has become a very rich man by writing book after book filled with classified information about America's wars which his sources were not authorized to give him.  Would Yellin ever in a million years dare lash out at Bob Woodward the way she did Assange?  To ask the question is to answer it (see here as CNN's legal correspondent Jeffrey Toobin is completely befuddled in the middle of his anti-WikiLeaks rant when asked by a guest, Clay Shirky, to differentiate what Woodward continuously does from what Assange is doing).

They're all petrified to speak ill of Bob Woodward because he's a revered spokesman of the royal court to which they devote their full loyalty.  Julian Assange, by contrast, is an actual adversary -- not a pretend one -- of that royal court.  And that -- and only that -- is what is driving virtually this entire discourse:

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hillary Clinton Outpaces Sarah Palin As 'Most Admired Woman' Of 2010

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has emerged victorious in 2010 with Gallup's crown for the "most admired woman" of the year, beating out Sarah Palin for the third year in a row. This year's title constitutes Clinton's ninth consecutive win, and 15th in the last 18 years.

Clinton took 17 percent of the vote this year, topping Palin's 12 percent and Oprah Winfrey's 11 percent. First Lady Michelle Obama came in fourth, with 5 percent of voters saying they admire her the most. Palin had gained some ground on Clinton in 2009, when the 9-point gap between them in 2008 narrowed to a mere point.

Democrats and Independents strongly favored Clinton over other women, with 31 percent of Democrats choosing her and 13 percent choosing Oprah, while just 15 percent of Independents favored Clinton and 10 percent chose Oprah. On the Republican side, 25 percent picked Palin, 8 percent picked Oprah, and 5 percent picked Clinton.

President Barack Obama ran away with the men's contest, taking 22 percent of the vote for "most admired man" in 2010. His comparatively low overall total -- in 2009 he took 30 percent and in 2008 finished with 32 percent -- seems to match the trend in his approval ratings. Former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton finished in second and third, winning 5 percent and 4 percent of the vote respectively. Glenn Beck and Rev. Billy Graham each finished with 2 percent, earning more points than the Dalai Lama, who finished in tenth place, with 1 percent of the vote.

The poll's results are based on random telephone interviews with 1,019 adults. The margin of error is ±4 percentage points.

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10 celebrities that could be serial killers – Guyism

celeb serial killers 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

I am about to present to you 10 celebrities that could be serial killers. This is all in good fun. Well, fun for us. But if the celebs can’t take the joke, it just adds credence to my theories. But this is all parody and fantasy. The Guyism legal staff told me to write that. So in no particular order, 10 celebs that could be serial killers. But they really aren’t… or are they?

10 Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino 135x95 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

The “Mr. Obvious” of this group. He talks like one, writes like one, makes many movies about killers and most of all, he just looks like one. And he enjoys it.

9 Russell Crowe
Russell Crowe 135x95 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

Dude has some serious anger issues. Don’t tell me Crowe as a mass killer hasn’t crossed your mind before. Look at this picture of him. The person he’s looking at in this photo? Already dead.

8 John Turturro
John Turturro 135x95 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

Turturro is such a good actor that he even made Mr. Deeds entertaining — well, at least the scenes he was in. He’s an underrated actor too. Also, he looks rather psycho, like he might recite Shakespeare whilst removing your body parts whilst your still alive. Did Shakespeare use ‘whilst’? I kind of like it.

7 Craig Robinson
Craig Robinson 135x95 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

Hey man, it’s Darryl from The Office. He was in Hot Tub Time Machine. Totally hilarious. Hosted Last Comic Standing. You didn’t know that show was still on? Me neither. Dude is so funny! Also, a viable candidate for a serial killer. Dig those eyes man. You just know he has a set of power tools dedicated for you-know-what.

6 Gary Busey
Gary Busey 135x95 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

Do I really need to write something here?

5 Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise 135x95 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

Nobody laughs like that, man. Nobody laughs like that. He’s going to take you to some secret hideout, dress up in some Eyes Wide Shut robes and start laughing. I bet it’s at that time you begin to hear all the other cries from around the room.

4 Christian Bale
christian bale 135x95 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

You may think I’m referring to his well-played role as the psychopathic Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. Nope, I’m referring to the real version of Bale, the one I envision repeatedly swinging a hatchet while intermittently yelling, “Oh goooood for yooooooou!!”

3 Matt Ross
Matt Ross 135x95 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

Ross was also in American Psycho with Bale, but you may know him better as Alby Grant on HBO’s Big Love. There’s a reason Ross is cast in such roles. The reasons aren’t because he has bodies under his porch at home, but is because he looks like he does. He looks like he could pull off some Scanners mind-explosion stuff on you.

2 Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson 135x95 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

See: Busey, Gary.

1 Nic Cage
Nic Cage 135x95 10 celebrities that could be serial killers

You wake up in a fog. Your vision is blurry and your head is pounding. You’re chained to a radiator in the corner of a room. Your tongue runs over the blood that’s caked on the corners of your mouth. You take a deep breath. Your vision clears. You look left. There’s Nic Cage smoking a cigarette, staring at you. He smiles.

Ed Rendell On Postponed Eagles-Vikings Game: 'I Think It Is A Joke'

In a live interview with Fox 29 News on Sunday night in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell was furious with the NFL for postponing the Eagles-Vikings game.

"I think it is a joke," Rendell said, explaining that there was only five inches of snow on the ground when the game would have started. "I was looking forward to this. It would have been a real experience. This is what football is all about. We're becoming a nation of wussies."

The game was supposed to be played on Sunday night, but it was moved to Tuesday for safety concerns.

Later in the interview, Rendell began to argue with chief meteorologist John Bolaris about how much snow had fallen in Philadelphia.

Bolaris said that there was actually seven inches of snow on the ground at 7 p.m., but Rendell disagreed.

"No, that was at 8:30 according to FEMA," Rendell argued. "This is no way, shape or form a blizzard!"

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Rendell Irate Eagles Game Was Postponed:

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Man Arrested For Drunk Driving In Mercedes Full Of Stolen Sheep

East London - A drunk motorist was arrested near Queenstown in the Eastern Cape after allegedly being found to be 32 times over the alcohol limit, the department of transport said on Thursday.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Loved Ones Trailer

I recommend this movie to anyone looking for a decent dark comedy/horror movie. I was surprised it was as good as it was.
The Loved Ones on IMDB The Loved Ones Official Site

Dr. Pepper Ham Recipe at Cooking Dude

Dr. Pepper Ham

Well, OK, you can use Coke or Pepsi or whatever your favorite is for this recipe, and either way, I'll bet you and your guests like it better than honey. And in case you don't know, you can buy excellent spiral sliced ham at Costco or other markets now.

I made this for Christmas dinner, when we fed more than 20 people. We had a buffet, and served this ham along with Pearl Onions in Parmesan Cream Sauce and Easy Cheesy Potatoes. I never had so many compliments, and from every age group!

Generally when you buy a spiral sliced ham, it will include a package containing the instant ingredients for a glaze, including honey buds. It's not bad, but trust me, don't feel bad about throwing away that packet and using this glaze.

Dr. Pepper Ham

    1/2 cup Dr. Pepper
    3/4 cup light brown sugar
    2 tablespoons orange juice
    2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
    1 spiral sliced bone-in half ham, 7-10 pounds (allow 1/2 pound per person, and you'll likely still have leftovers)

Unwrap the ham, remove the plastic bone cover, and place in baking dish flat side down. Wrap the ham with foil and let sit at room temperature for 1-2 hours.

Make the glaze (you can do this the day before or earlier if you need to). Put the Dr. Pepper, sugar, orange juice, and mustard in a sauce pan and bring to a simmer. The mustard is hard to dissolve, and requires constant stirring. (Next time I'm going to whip the mustard into a small amount of liquid first, to see if it makes it easier.) Simmer the glaze for about 10 minutes, and remove from the heat.

Put oven rack at low position and preheat oven to 250 degrees.

The ham is already cooked, so all you really need to do is to warm it up. If you cook it too long, it will lose moisture and flavor. In fact, last time I had the official Honey Baked Ham, they told me to put the ham out of the fridge for a few hours and eat it at room temperature. I'm sure that way the customers get a more flavorful ham than if they cook it to death.

I estimate that about an hour is enough to warm the ham. If you want, you can test the internal temperature, but it's not necessary to get it much above room temperature. When it's warm in the center, take it out of the oven, remove the foil, and paint the glaze on with a brush. Put it back in the oven for 10-15 minutes to set the glaze, and then remove the ham from the oven, paint it again with glaze, and cover it until it's time to eat.

The real convenience of the spiral cut ham is that when it's time to serve you just lay it on its side and make three or four cuts into the ham along the fat lines, and you'll get beautiful serving pieces like in the photo.

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This looks really good. I've never been a big fan of ham (outside of lunch meat at least) but I would be more than willing to try this.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's Rough

I've started working out and exercising again. It's rough getting back into the swing of things with this. I use to try and get in a little workout or something resembling exercise each and everyday but just stopped. I forgot how difficult it could be to start up again. I remember growing to like it so I'm not really sure why I stopped. Hopefully that will happen again.